Friday, 6 August 2010

To Blog or not to Blog?

I've finally done it and started this blog.  As a reader of a handful of blogs I've read them covering many subjects.  Until recently I never had considered one because I didn't think I had enough material.  However, when I think about it, alot of the topics are actually just matters of everyday life which are important to the author.  I guess on that basis I should have plenty of stuff to blog about.  Whether people will be interested in my bobbins is another question.  I guess only time will tell on both these.

Is it worth noting that alot of the blogs that I read are written by journalists or ex-journalists?  I'm sure this is reflected in the quality of the writing and possibly why they are so appealing to me.  I'm not convinced I will be able to match that quality but if I get anywhere near it I will have achieved something.  The only way I will know this is by how many people stop by, read and post comments.  Just maybe some of these people might pop back to check my updates, you never know!

The layout is still a working progress while I find my feet with the tools.  For that, I apologise.  You are currently spared the photograph of me!

One of the bloggers that I follow mentioned to another blogger recently about the first rule of blogging.  Blog every day during the first year.  Not sure I'll be able to blog as often as that but I do want to blog as often as is possible.  Whilst we're on the subject of rules, are there any others?

You're probably thinking that this probably the worst blog entry that you've seen.  Even writing this now, I'm still wondering whether I should publish this post and if anybody will find my blog interesting.

Thanks for stopping by.  Now all I have to do wait for the comments and criticisms.  Don't be shy!  If anybody who happens to stumble across this can offer assistance, whether it be it will be very much appreciated.

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